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Any discussion on the Bible and money has to start with understanding stewardship. We have to first accept the truth that everything that we have belongs to God and not to us. When we begin to view are relationship to money as one of the person managing what belongs to someone else, every though, decision and action begins to be shaped differently.
Scriptures to consider
Psalm 24:1-The earth and everything in it belongs to God
1 Corinthians 4:1-We must prove faithful
Ecclesiastes 9:10-God expects us to give everything our best
Colossians 3:23-We use money like it is worship
Exodus 4: God uses what we already have
Reflection Point
How do I view money? Is it mine or is it God’s?
Action Point
Take some time and make a list of all of the things that God has given you and express gratitude that He has entrusted them to you.
Money is an important part of our lives. However, how we approach our money should not be any different than our work, marriage, family, etc. We need to seek out what God says and then purpose to be obedient.
Scriptures to consider
Old Testament
Genesis 4 - First and Best: Cain and Abel
Genesis 14:18-20 - Tithe: Abraham and Melchizedek
Exodus to Malachi - Tithes and Offerings: Law and Prophets
New Testament
Matthew 6:21 - Treasure and Heart: Jesus
Acts 2:44-45 - Sold Everything: Early Church
2 Corinthians 9:6 - Sowing and Reaping: Paul
2 Corinthians 9:7 - Cheerful Giver: Paul
Reflection Point
How and what does God want me to give?
Action Point
We invite you to do your own study on what the Bible says about giving. We have included a spreadsheet to help you consider what God is saying to you.
*worksheet provided with permission by Wayne Trainor
Let's get practical. Many people believe that they are not in a
position to be givers. And for some people that is true. However, we
must still ensure that we are on a path to obedience with where God is
leading us. For most people, generosity is possible if it is
prioritized and a plan made.
Scriptures to consider
Matthew 25:14-30 - Take an account
Revelation 3:17-19 - Evaluate and Pray
Luke 14:28-30 - Plan
Reflection Point
Looking at where my money is spent, what is most important to me?
Action Point
Budgeting and Debt reduction are two efforts that increase giving potential. Here are few tips on how to tackle both of these.
Section Title
The word worship comes from the two words
WORTH and SHIP. It means to assign value to something. That is what
we do with our money. We assign value. What we are willing to give for
any product or service reflects how much value we assign to that thing.
Scriptures to consider
Genesis 22 - Abraham -> Isaac
1 Kings 17 - Widow at Zarephath -> Flower and oil
Acts 4 - Barnabas -> Land
Luke 21 - Widow -> 2 mites
Reflection Point
Is there anything that I have that is off limits to God? What am I holding on to and why?
Action Point
As you consider where you are currently with giving, consider this scale as a determination of where you are today. This is not about judgement or condemnation. Let's ask, "where am I today?" from there the path forward is only steps of obedience.
What is my Attitude toward Giving?
Section Title
Surrendering ourselves to God in the area of finances allows us to be
a part of God's plan to display His glory in the earth today. When we
give, God uses our obedience to increase Kingdom Impact. When you
consider your giving, know that God has called us to have an impact
locally, regionally, and globally.
Scriptures to consider
Acts 1:8 - Judea, Samaria, and world-wide
Malachi 3:10 - Local Church Ministry
Acts 4:32-35 - Local Support of One Another
2 Corinthians 8:4-5 - Regionally for the church
Romans 15:24 - Kingdom Expansion
Reflection Point
Am I doing what God has called me to do financially?
Action Point
where you are in this area of your walk with Christ and where He wants
you to grow to. Let's all commit to be obedient, discerning honestly
where we are at today and where God is calling us to grow over the next