Where anyone can change; with people like you who God is changing into someone like Him.
This is reimage
This is reimage
Where anyone can change; with people like you who God is changing into someone like Him.
Our Mission
Reimage Church exists to help people become all that God intended them to be by reaching people for Christ, teaching them to follow Him and sending them to fulfill their purpose in the world.
Our Vision
Reimage Church is and is becoming a diverse community of Christ-followers committed to becoming more like Jesus and changing our world. We are a passionate group of believers from every walk of life, sincere in our love for one another, honest in our struggles and intentional in our pursuit of God. Through worship, teaching , community and service, we are creating a culture where people are being changed into the image of Christ.
We like to say simply:
"Reimage Church is a diverse community of
Christ-followers changing our world.
Our Values
The values listed below, guide everything we do at Reimage. When you visit us you'll see each of them at work. You'll find welcoming people with smiling faces having fun and working diligently to create an environment where you can become all that God created you to be and meet some great people on the same journey.
Embracing diversity
We strive to be a community of people that reflects our city. We believe the Gospel is a message of hope for every generation, age, background and nation so we will seek to only reach and do life with people who are not like us.
Experiencing God
We believe that God created us to exist in relationship with Him. While we know WE can experience God anytime and anywhere, we are intentional about creating an environment where people that don’t yet know Him can encounter His presence.
Reaching people
It the Gospel that changes lives. It is the message we preach and the power to transform. We run toward the hurting, the sick, the oppressed and the broken with the only message that can make them whole and restored to relationship with God.
Growing disciples
Becoming who God intended us to be is a process. We will join together to teach and challenge each other in our pursuit of Christ-likeness.
Sending leaders
We will be a church that sends out the leaders we have raised up to carry the mission wherever there is opportunity. This is our calling. God has not placed us here to hoard the people he sends to us but to train, equip, resource and send leaders for the sake of the Kingdom.
Giving generously
Our lives are not our own, we have been bought with a great price. Therefore, we give generously of our time, energy and talents to see God’s kingdom advance both in our community and around the world.