What is DMD?
As we embark on a journey of training disciples who make disciples, we are asking God to start a movement here through Reimage Church. But what is "Disciples Making Disciples?" We hope that you will take a few minutes to watch the vision cast and review the materials below. Hopefully all of your questions will be answered and you will be able to pray through whether God is calling you to join us in our first group to be trained to reach Greenville with the Gospel.
Next Steps
Step 1: Read and Pray
The below links will give you some more information about the process, time commitment and answer most questions you may have as you pray through this opportunity.
FAQs and additional information document
The Timothy Initiative (our partners) overview
Step 2: Sign Up
When you know that God is calling you to commit to the process, we need you to let us know! Fill out the form below to let us know that you are IN and we will start preparing a great environment and all of the materials.
Step 3: Attend and Commit
Our first meeting will be on January 17th at 6:30 PM. Don't worry, we'll be in touch before then will all of the specifics. In the meantime, come prepared with the below application filled out as completely as you can. At our first meeting, we will make a final commitment to God and to each other to persevere through the journey. We can't wait to see you there.