
We believe that we are better together!

We weren't created to do life alone.  The Bible tells us that there is great power in community.  We gather throughout the week in homes and other places where we can know people and be known by them.  As we spend time together, our relationships deepen and we can actively help each other walk out everything God is telling us.  Our reGroups are a great space for that to happen.

How our reGroups Work

We Look Around

We Look Back

We Look Up

We Look Forward

Every week we spend time getting to know one another and share our lives together.  Through meals, conversation and laughter, we grow closer in our relationships with one another.
We aren't just interested in what we've learned, we want to know how we are applying God's word to our life.  We take time each week to share what God has said to us and how we have obeyed.
We dig deeper into God's word that we heard on Sunday.  We ask questions leading us to a place to hear from His Spirit and wrestle with what it means not just when it was written, but today.
As we hear from God, we want to commit to one another to put what He is saying to us into practice.  At the end of each group, we all firmly establish what we will do, "This week, I WILL..."

How to find your reGroup

Our reGroups run on a semester basis.  We launch groups in the Fall (September) and then in the Spring (springish, we don't like winter...January).  Each group will run 4-5 months, however, you can usually jump in at any time during the semester.   To see all of the groups that are currently meeting, click the link below.