How to Share the Gospel

Sharing the Gospel where we live, work, shop and play is the responsibility of every believer. As we seek to be obedient to the Great Commission and share the Gospel as we are going, we want to ensure that every believer is equipped with the resources to share with confidence and boldness.

Already Sharing the Gospel?  Let us know!

Step 1: Pray

Pray for the Lost

Pray for BOB

Pray for your 30

When we pray, we don't move the heart of God, we align our hearts to God's heart.  The more you pray for the lost in your community, the more your heart will be filled with compassion for those around you.  God is patiently waiting that none would perish.  He said there is plenty of harvest but only a few workers.  Let's pray for the harvest and ask God to send us.
BOB stands for Burden, Opportunity and Boldness.  All three are essential to being a part of what God is doing in the world today.  We invite you to start each day asking the Holy Spirit to forgive you of your sins and prepare you for being "co-missioned" with Him.  God give us BURDEN, OPPORTUNITY, and BOLDNESS!
We don't want to be too systematic.  Sharing the Gospel should always be led by the Holy Spirit.  However, statistically, it takes about 30 shares to see someone come to Christ.  We invite every disciple to spend some time asking God who should be on their "List of 30" to pray for each day.

Step 2: Prepare

Your Story

God's Story

We've all got a story and no one can take that away from us or dispute it.  That is why one of the most effective tools you can use to share the Gospel is Your Story.  Take a few minutes today to craft your story and learn to share what God has done for you quickly, concisely and with confidence.  Prepare your story as a tract you can leave with people after you have a chance to share!
Scripture tells us to be ready to give an answer for the hope that is within us.  Not sure you know how to share the Gospel?  We've got you covered.  Below are links to three different ways we have found are easy, relational and effective to learn to share the Good News.  Remember:  There is never a bad time to give someone Good News! 

Step 3: Share

Be on the Lookout

People who need Jesus are everywhere.  We know that over half of the people that we come into contact with do not have a relationship with Jesus.  Let the Holy Spirit lead you daily and start conversations with those who seem hurting.  Remember, the Holy Spirit will give you the words to say.  You can do this!

Create a Connection

Call or text anyone the Holy Spirit brings to mind.  Ask them to have coffee, grab lunch or even come to your house for dinner.  People who don't know Christ are only a phone call or text away.  When you get together, ask if you can share your story, what God is saying to you and if you can pray for them in any way.

Set a Calendar

Now that you have a list of 30, you can be strategic about connecting with them and looking for ways to share the Gospel.  Tell them you were praying for them and ask if there is any specific way you can pray, or offer them a word of encouragement from scripture based on what you know about their life.