It's About To Get Real

Feb 16, 2025    Chris Hopkins

Living out the gospel is an adventure—full of joy, purpose, and, at times, resistance. As we proclaim and embody Christ’s message, we’ll face both celebration and opposition. But the early church shows us the way forward: they met resistance with unwavering faith, anchoring themselves in passionate prayer and worship. They fostered deep, unshakable unity, creating space in their lives to support one another and advance the mission.

Their example reminds us that spiritual preparation must lead to bold action, that unity strengthens and sustains us, and that we are meant to stand together. So let’s ask ourselves: Are we truly prepared to live out our faith with courage, knowing that both affirmation and adversity will come? How can we cultivate a faith that is spiritually resilient and deeply connected to others?

This is an invitation—to create margin in our busy lives for meaningful relationships, to be available for God’s work, and to remember that the Kingdom of God isn’t rushed or crowded; it makes room.