It's All About Jesus

Who is Jesus?

Jesus is God

Jesus is the Way

Jesus is King

Jesus is God in the Flesh.  He stepped out of heaven and into human existence because He saw our brokenness and chose to save us.  
There is no way to have a relationship with God without going through Jesus.   Humankind has tried every way we could phathom, but nothing works but surrendering to Jesus.
Jesus is the King of all creation.  There are two types of people, those who acknowledge Him and those who do not.  He made everything you see, it was made by Him, through Him and for Him.

What is Jesus' Message?

We are Separated From God

We Can't Save Ourselves

Jesus Saves Us

We have all made mistakes.  Those mistakes, which the Bible cause sin, separate us from the God who created us.
No matter how hard we try, we cannot find our way back to God.  The divide is too great and no one has the ability to bridge the gap.
Jesus came to bring God to us.  While He was on earth, He lived a sinless life, died in our place and provided salvation through His death.

How Do We Respond?

Turn From Our Way

Trust in Jesus

Live Our Life For Him

The appropriate response to Jesus and His message is to acknowledge our brokenness and turn from our ways.  We have sinned and our way leads to pain, suffering and death.  So we reject our way for His way.
Recognizing that we cannot save ourselves, we know we need a savior.  We trust in Jesus to be that savior.  We believe that His sacrifice on the cross was sufficient to purchase our freedom.  
Because we have been purchased with a great price, we purpose to live our lives surrendered to King Jesus.   We live at His direction each and every day and seek His Kingdom first.